We are experiencing a high volume of checks for processing. So we can process in a timely fashion we request only urgent inquiries via email.

List documents

GET /identity_v1.1/checks/:id/result/documents

Fetch the documents for a given identity result


Example request

GET /checks/1821/result/documents

Request fields

Field Description Format Required
:id Identity check ID integer Yes

JSON Response

Example response

        "date_added": 1594779879,
        "idtype": "PASSPORT",
        "country": "AUS",
        "images": [
        "ocr_analysis": {
            "passport_number": "A01234567",
            "passport_expiry": "2025-07-28"
        "date_added": 1594779945,
        "idtype": "MEDC",
        "country": null,
        "images": [
        "ocr_analysis": null

Response fields

The order of these fields may change at any time. Fields may be added (but not removed) from this list at any time.

Field Description Format
date_added Date/time the document was uploaded unix timestamp
idtype Internal code representing the document type
See also idtypes api endpoint for a list
country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code string[3]
images Array of image urls array[string]
ocr_analysis v1.1 Array of data from OCR analysis array or null

Not all document types collect the country field, so if this data is not available then the returned value will be null.


For data protection reasons, the document images are purged after 12 months, in this case the images field will be returned as null.

Image urls are signed and can be accessed without explicit authentication (they're notably more complicated than the examples presented above); the authentication for accessing the images is within the url path and query string. Image signatures are valid for 92 days; you will need to re-request the urls again after this time.

OCR analysis fields

OCR analysis field may be null if document doesn't support OCR analysis or has no OCR result. At this time:


Example error response

    "error": 404,
    "message": "Result not found"
    "error": 500,
    "message": "Server error"