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Posted by Luke Miller on

The cost of living crisis, high inflation, rising prices… however you word it, most goods and services are now more expensive than usual. It’s important to remember that inflationary pressure doesn’t only impact consumers at the petrol pump or in supermarkets. It affects all participants in the economy, including businesses looking to hire and retain employees.

As Recruitonomics reports, inflation affects recruitment in two important ways.

Firstly, it prompts individuals to look for higher paying roles to meet the increased cost of living. This provides businesses with the opportunity to hire candidates who may not have previously been looking – but at a premium, as they will need to offer higher wages to attract the best talent.

Secondly, businesses are incurring higher costs to advertise roles and to conduct the recruitment process overall.

So, whilst times of high inflation provide a good chance for businesses to snap up quality candidates, it generally comes with a heftier price tag.

At National Crime Check, we understand that businesses still need to hire new staff during times of inflation. In fact, they need to hire particularly well as the cost of the recruitment process is increased.

We also know that the ultimate goal of all recruitment is to hire high-quality candidates safely, efficiently and affordably, and we want to help businesses achieve this goal. That’s why we have made the decision to keep the prices of our background checks stable.

National Crime Check provides comprehensive police checks (also known as criminal history checks) and other background checks, such as visa checks, document verification and bankruptcy checks. These checks provide reassurance that the candidate being hired is safe and has a suitable background for the role they are applying for.

Conducting this proactive due diligence is crucial as it minimises the need to re-hire and conduct the costly and time-consuming recruitment process all over again.

We know that it’s a difficult time for many – production costs are higher whilst consumer sentiment is lower. We don’t want to add to the growing bill for businesses, so we have ensured that prices for all our background checks remain the same to enable businesses to continue to hire safely and accurately.

If your business is looking for a trusted and price-stable partner to conduct background checks, contact National Crime Check here.

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