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Some government departments or private organisations will chose to not accept national police checks from accredited agencies and instead will require state-based police checks. You are best to consult the relevant industry body/organisation to determine which police checks they will accept.

Whilst this list is not exhaustive, here is a list of check types we cannot process:

  • Australian Citizenship
  • Australian Electoral Commission Positions
  • ACT Security Licence (first time only; we're able to process renewals)
  • Business Licencing Authority Victoria
  • Court officials
  • Immigration
  • Judges, Magistrates, Jurors, Justices of the Peace
  • Maritime Security Identification Card (MSIC)
  • NDIS Worker Screening Check
  • Northern Territory Department Of Motor Vehicle Registration
  • NSW Racing
  • Overseas Immigration Departments
  • Personal Insurance Claims
  • Perth Mint Refinery
  • Police Checks For Working Overseas
  • Police Recruits
  • QBCC Industry Licensing and Accreditation
  • Queensland Department of Commerce Real Estate/Sales Agents
  • Queensland Office of Fair Trading (for Real Estate Licenses)
  • Requirements for Foreign Embassies
  • VicRoads applications
  • Victorian Business Licencing Authority
  • Victorian Correctional Officer
  • Victorian Security Licence (first time only)
  • Victorian IVF Requirements
  • Victorian Taxi Directorate
  • Visa Applications
  • WA dangerous goods license

We also are unable to process NCCHC's for applicants who are under 13 years of age.

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